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 rmdir()                 Delete a Directory

 #include   <dir.h>                      Required for declarations only

 int        rmdir(pathname);
 const char *pathname;                   Name of Path name to be removed

    rmdir() removes a directory specified by 'pathname'. A directory
    cannot be removed if it is either the root directory or the current
    directory, of if it contains any files or subdirectories.

       Returns:     0, if successful; -1 is returned on error and 'errno'
                    (defined in <errno.h>) is set to:

                     EACCES     Permission denied
                     ENOENT     Path name not found

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements delete a directory and prints a message.

           #include <dir.h>

           int result1;

                 if ((result1 = rmdir("/tstmkd")) < 0)
                     printf("error removing directory");
                     printf("tstmkd deleted");

See Also: chdir() mkdir()
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